44 10个漂亮的英语短语 - 雪炭网

10个漂亮的英语短语2014-11-14 15:10:13

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之前我们已经学过了老外常用的动词短语大全 ,今天再来学习10个漂亮的英语短语,肯定会有机会用上的,一定要记住了哦~

1.change of pace 节奏变换
eg.You can’t reading  novels all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 你不能一整天都看小说。你需要休息一下干点别的,改变一下节奏。

2.a far cry from 相距甚远

eg.The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 这些出版书和那些最初的手稿相距甚远。

3.and how 的确

eg.A: She’s a good singer. 她是个很棒的歌手。 B: and how. 的确!

4.a matter of time 时间问题

eg.It is only a matter of time. 这只是时间问题

5.a phone call away 一个电话就会过来帮忙。

eg.If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 如果你需要我的帮助,一定告知我。记住我总是愿意帮助你的。

6. be addicted to 对……上瘾

eg.She has been addicted to games for years.她对游戏上瘾好多年了。

7. all along 一直

eg.I knew it all along. 我一直都知道这件事。

8. anything but 绝对不

eg.I was anything but happy about going. 要离开我是一点都不开心。

9. account for 解释

eg.How do you account for it? 你怎么解释这件事情?

10. after all 毕竟,到底

eg.There is no need to pick at him all day long. He's a child after all.不要老是对他唠唠叨叨,他毕竟还是个孩子嘛!


  • 休闲英语
  • 10个漂亮短语




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