44 再办毕业舞会 生活大爆炸第八季第八集台词 - 雪炭网

再办毕业舞会 生活大爆炸第八季第八集台词2014-11-13 22:31:29

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We ran into ur mom at Benihana last nigh.我们昨晚在铁板烧店碰见你妈了。

I know u don't want to hear it.我知道你不想听这事。

That's fine.I don't care.随便啊。我又无所谓。

It doesn't bug u when they go out on dates?他们出去约会你不会不爽吗?

Hey,hlot's of people wear matching pajamas who aren't dating.很多不是情侣的人也穿着情侣睡衣啊.Like who?比如说?

Fine,it bothers me.U happy?行,我心里超不爽。你们高兴了吧?

How is this helpful?你这话对我有啥帮助?

You guys are the best.你们最好了!

What kind of teenager did u think I was?你把我当年想成是哪种人了啊?Slutty. Easy.淫荡。风骚。The word is "popular".那叫“受欢迎”好吗。

Stop bragging.少显摆了。

I just make out with him a little while his date was punking.我只是趁他的舞伴喝吐时偷偷跟他亲热了一番。

That would be so much fun.那应该会很好玩。

It's never as good as u want it to be.永远不如你们想象中那般美好。

I had a date with a proper education.我与当个好学生有个约会。

How come you're not shopping with amy and bernadette?你怎么没有跟艾米和伯纳黛特一起去采购呢?

Let me guess,u think the whole idea is lame?让我来猜猜,你觉得这个主意烂透了?

Well,who cares what I think?What do u think?不要管我怎么想,你觉得如何?

It's kind of a dream come true to go to even a fake prom with a woman as beautiful as u.


That sounds like a "Yes"!那就是答应咯~

U know exactly who it is.你明明知道那人是谁。

He's our friends,and u two need to get along .他是我们的朋友,你们俩必须和睦相处。

I can't take this any more.我受不了了。

Stuart,we have to talk.斯图尔特,我们得谈谈。

This thing with u and my mom,I hate it.It's making me crazy.你跟我妈那点事,我超不爽。都快把我逼疯了。

You and I were friends for years.你我是多年的朋友了。

There's nothing weird going on with me and ur mother.我和你们之前完全不存在逾越之举。

What the hell?!太离谱了吧!

It's good to have a few in the bank.先存着吧

Since u and I are both reluctant to go ,I think I've come up with a perfect way for us to enjoy it.


I'm not the best at reading facial cues,but I'm gonna say u love it and want to hear more.我不擅长阅读面部表情,但我猜你很喜欢并想深入了解。

Okay,just one question.What?我只有一个问题。你说什么?

Here's a question.现在问题来了

Well,if it's part of the prom experience,then I'm open to it.如果这是舞会体验的一部分,那我愿意接受。

You're kidding.你开玩笑呢吧

I can see u're a little turned on.我能看出你有点小性奋哦

It's gonna be off the hook.到时肯定爽翻天

A lot of people lose their virginity on prom night.很多人的初夜都是在毕业舞会上失去的。

Doesn't amy look hot?艾米看起来不漂亮吗?

I'll text stuart,let him know we're close.我给斯特尔特发短信,说我们快到了。

It was our first date,there was an awkward silence.那是我们第一次约会,突然冷场了。

What was I supposed to say?我总得找话题说啊

It was before my growth spurt.-What,that already happened?那时候我还没发育呢-什么?你现在是发育过了吗?!

You're making me worry.你让我很担心。

What's going on?到底怎么回事?

It's not just like that.不光是这样。

They have a weird,inappropriate relationship.他们之间存在着不恰当的逾越之举。

This is his turf.这是他的地盘。

My God,who's the dork now?瞧瞧,现在谁像个傻瓜啊

Thank u for wearing ur flats/heels.谢谢你穿了平跟鞋/高跟鞋。

This is nice.这样真好。

I kind of wish no one else was coming.我都有点希望其他人不来了。

Sheldon,this is silly.谢耳朵,你太傻了。

Thank u for understanding. Of course I understand.谢谢你理解。我当然理解。

There's something else I've been wanting to say有些话我一直想告诉你。

U said it.你说出来了...

There's no denying I have feelings for u that can't be explained in any other way.我对你有着不可否认的又无法用其他方式解释的好感。

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  • 生活大爆炸
  • 经典台词
  • 第八季第八集
  • 原创
  • 毕业舞会


标题:再办毕业舞会 生活大爆炸第八季第八集台词


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