44 地道美语——每天学一句(持续更新中...) - 雪炭网

地道美语——每天学一句(持续更新中...)2014-10-09 21:45:21

( 2人已投票,[高质量] )

You have been very low-key lately 你最近很低调啊

low-key =a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach 低调的

eg.Yeah, look, we just gotta keep this low-key , okay?对, 听着, 我们要保持低调, 明白吗?

He is newbie on computer他是电脑菜鸟

newbiea person who is new and has little experience in doing sth, especially in computing novice (尤指计算机方面的)新手.  

Autumns and winters were high-occurrence seasons for the flu秋冬季是流感的高发季节

high-occurrence seasons 高发季节.今天来学个句子.

What should I do if i have hiccups?我老是打嗝怎么办?

hiccups打嗝 burp打嗝,饱嗝 名词 都是打嗝的意思,hiccups正式点.


I am dying for a cold beer!! 我太想喝凉啤酒了!
die for=to desire strongly极度渴望

I am seeing someone~我在恋爱

seeing someone means dating someone,和某人在约会,谈恋爱.

eg.I am not seeing anyone.我没和任何人谈恋爱

PS:我总觉得 seeing someone有种在暗地里默默的看你喜欢的人的变态感觉.猥琐地躲在暗处,看你喜欢的人o(╯□╰)o

That chick is really cute那个小妞真可爱

chick flick: <口><贬>(迎合年轻女性口味的)年轻女性影片

Dont't cut corners .Let's do the job right!别只图省事 咱们还是要把事情最好!

to cut corners 图省事

You have no call to talk like that.没有理由那样说话

call: 理由

good call,一个call字,是在要比option,choice之类的更加亲切。

另外good call还会用来形容ref(裁判)在赛场上的精确判罚,如果某判罚(call)非常好的话,NBA TV的Commentator(解说员)们经常喊的就

是That's a good call.当然与之对应的就是bad call了,还有不太好判罚的判罚叫tough call

Ow, I stepped on a nail!唉呦~我踩到钉子了!


I felt like a cheapskate 我觉得我自己真抠门
cheapskate =cheap=skate小气 抠门的意思~

My stomach is growing.我肚子开始咕咕叫了.
很简单的~ growing很形象

He is such a hothead.他是暴脾气


I am never on your mind 你心里从来就没有我. (指感情上不关心)

on sb mind 这个句子很常见~~

I 'll do all that is required of me 让我干吗我就干吗


Not only did I hear it but I saw it 我不但听到了,而且看到了.

这个句子,可以用在八卦场景 Not only did I hear it but I saw it

I heard they trash talking my boss,我听到他们说老板坏话~

trash talking就是说别人的坏话


How'd you swing that: 你是怎么办到的?


We chiped in 20 dollars 我们凑了20块钱

Chip in 就是大家出钱的意思. chip in 则是说每个人出一点钱,把这个钱拿去作一件事. 可能是买礼物啦, 或是分担一些共同的费用

My bad! 对不起

my bad是表示道歉,但是不是很正式的道歉。my bad是对很熟的朋友说的,而且发生的事也不是太严重,就像不小心踩了脚这类小事。要我是你的老板,你就不能说my bad!

I count to three...我倒数三下

You must leave here by the time I count to three...我倒数三下你必须离开这里

How can you say that!你怎么能这么说!


Take your time.慢慢来

Take your time是一个非常口语化的词组,指的就是你可以慢慢来,不用着急。当你请人帮忙,而对方又是个急性子时,你就可以用上这句Take your time。

Cleavage 这个字在英文里有一个有趣的解释,就是指女生胸部之间的低垂部份,特别是指当女生穿低胸的礼服时,会若隐若现的「乳沟」。但是一般提到 cleavage 这个字其实就是指「暴露」而言。例如朋友试图游说你买一件低胸礼服,你就可以回答,"I don't like too much cleavage." (我不喜欢太露的衣服。)  

I am just hanging out in dorm 我在宿舍闲呆着

hang out: 闲荡,闲呆着。例如:do a lot of hanging out in barrooms(常上酒吧泡着)

hang out还有“居住,住宿,经常出没” 的意思。例如:Do you know where he hangs out?(你知道他住在什么地方?)

Let's have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的.

or something这个词在美语中超级常见.,or something 可以翻译成诸如此类的什么.

Let's have a coke or something咱们和点可乐什么的~~

You wish.你想得美
如果你跟你的朋友在开玩笑的时候,想说 :你想的美就可以用这句You wish. 在美剧中,这句超常见。

once is enough!一次就足够了

对于你不希望再发生的事情,就用这句。比如46级没考过这样的事once is enough

He's talking shit!(他在胡说八道!)


显然有更文明点的说法,这个只是说法之一,就象我们说 他在放P 一样

Thank you for buying me the ticket, I'll make it up to you later.


I'll make it up to you later. 我以后还你的人情
make it up to sb.: (为某事)对某人做补偿            

My shoe's rubbing,我的鞋磨脚

rub磨 擦, 这个单词的意思很多,很常用.
My new shoese are rubbing my heel 我的新鞋磨的我脚疼

What's all the rush 着什么急呀?


On lunch hour~~利用午饭时间

On lunch hour she audited classes.(她利用午饭时间去旁听课程。)

晚饭 早饭 都一样的 ,换个词就可以了。

That does it! 还是算了吧!

这句应该是很常用的吧~ 对什么事情达不到,完不成的时候,用这句。有点沮丧,呵呵.

Shoot! 糟糕!
Aw, shoot 啊呀,真糟糕!


Picking his nose in class ,Gross !!上课时抠鼻屎.真恶心!!


Over my dead body. 除非我死了

This is a very common expression, especially for mothers. It’s basically

有点不对劲儿There's something wrong

Keep it hush-hush 保密啊

you to keep it hush-hush你要保密啊。hush-hush在这里是指秘密的,不能告诉别人

saying that if you want to do this, you’ll have to kill me first, then step over my dead body, because there’s no way I’m going to let you do it otherwise.妈妈们经常用这句话。意思是如果你想这样做,除非先杀了我,否则我决不允许。

He has the runs. 他腹泻不止。
This is kind of gross, but unfortunately it’s something you need to know if you ever go to a doctor. “The runs” is another word for diarrhoea. You can also say, the “food keeps running right through me
The runs就是diarrhoea,腹泻的意思。也可以用“food keeps running right through me”来表达腹泻。

Don't have any fatty foods.不吃油腻的食品

many fatty food各种油腻的食品、
many sweet foods 各种甜食

I’m trying to watch my diet.Don't have any fatty foods 我开始注意饮食健康。不吃油腻的食品

Let’s use him as a pinch hitter.让他来帮忙吧!~~

A pinch hitter is another baseball term, it means to bat (or hit the ball) for someone else, especially at a crucial moment inthe game.
A pinch hitter意思是在关键时刻帮别人投中了球,也就是帮助某人的意思。

你的行李超重了 You’ve exceeded the weight limit

This is something you’ll hear at an airport when you’re checking in, it means your bag is too heavy, so they are going to make you pay a fine. This happens to me all the time, because I carry so many books.在机场就可能听到人们这样说,意思是你的行李超重了,得交额外费用。

电脑瘫痪了。My computer crashed.

This is also a common office expression, when your computer has crashed, it means that it’s not working anymore, and probably erased everything you were working on – but usually, it’s fixable.

For leftovers and eat whatever’s there 有什么就吃什么.

晚上,突然饿了,就For leftovers and eat whatever’s there

He’s underhanded 他很阴险

Underhanded means sneaky or dishonest. You can be underhanded, or you can do something underhanded, such as telling your boss a lie so your co-worker doesn’t get a promotion.Underhanded的意思是阴险的,秘密的。比如你向你的老板撒谎,让你的同事得不到晋升

He’s underhanded, you just can’t trust him.他很阴险,你不能相信他。

Fill out these forms.填一下这些表

When you go to the doctor in the States, you have to write down a lot of information first, or fill out forms.在美国,你去看医生的时候,医生就会让你填写很多信息表。


Do you offer any quantity discounts?量大可以打折吗?


A: Do you offer any quantity discounts?


B: No, we don’t.


Quit it! 别闹!

Quit 这个词在美语口语中非常常见,有时候也当辞职讲I quit the job.

例如Quit muttering! 别嘀咕!

Quit it! 别闹,别弄~

She’s a diva 她是大腕
A diva is any star, but usually a female singer, who is talented, but acts like a princess and makes everyone else miserable. 通常指很有才华但脾气暴躁、很难合作的女歌手。

She’s a real diva 她是个真正的大腕.

It looks so real~看起来跟真的一样!~~


--Ths purse is real Fendi? 这个包是真Fendi的吗?
--It looks so real~看起来跟真的一样!~~

Can I have a bite?我可以吃一口吗?
---I'm so hungry. Can I have a bite? 我肚子饿了。我可以吃一口吗?
---Sure 当然
---yum 好吃!

I am a nose of wax.我没有什么主见



Change a subject ! please!


Thank you for being here谢谢你能赶来

对于来参加你的生日宴会。舞会的人。都可以这样说。Thank you for being here


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  • 地道美语一天一句




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